فارسی عربي

Small Quran, well-preserved Albania family heirloom

Here is a video showing one of the smallest Qurans in the world, a family heirloom surviving wars and fanatic regimes.


Here is a video showing one of the smallest Qurans in the world, a family heirloom surviving wars and fanatic regimes. 

Mario Prushi performs a ritual that has been passed down in his family for generations. He carefully washes his hands and face before reverently placing a postage stamp-sized Quran on his forehead.

The book, one of the world's smallest Quraans, has been kept in a silver case and treasured by his family despite the challenges posed by war and the anti-religious communist regime in Albania.

Experts say the 900-page book has been in circulation since the 19th century, making it difficult to pinpoint its exact age. Its small size and the intricacies of its intricate cover make it a unique and valuable treasure.

"We have inherited it from generation to generation with absolute dedication," says 45-year-old Prushi.

Elton Karaj, a researcher, suggests that the Quran could be one of the smallest in the world. "At first glance, I can say that its publication dates from the end of the 19th century," he says.

Despite the passage of time, the tiny Quran continues to be meticulously preserved by Prushi and his family.

